Thursday, April 19, 2012

They want equality, but demand inequality!

Ok...let me first off make something clear:  IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM am I a don't read this and then tell me that I am racist...I am simply stating my opinion on a very sensitive and controversial topic. I have decided to write this today because of the frustration that I am feeling and that several people around me are feeling, as well as the general public.

We all know that in the 1800's, slavery was going on here in the United States...its no secret.  We also know that slavery ended around 1865, after the Civil War.  With those facts, we also know that there is absolutely no physical way possible, that ANY African American alive today suffered through "slavery"...notice I said "slavery", not racism...two different things.  Now with that said, its unfortunate that blacks and whites were treated differently up until around 1968, when the African-American Civil Rights Movement was taking place and African Americans were restored their rights to vote, work, etc...AND rightfully so!!!

Let me take a quick moment to emphasize how disgusting and shameful and unfortunate it was that slavery ever even existed, with that...its unfortunate that racism occurred afterwards and in some parts of the country...still occur today.

HOWEVER...while its true that many of the elder African Americans were exposed to true racism and inequality back in the early and mid 1900's...there is not one African American alive today, who was a true slave...its just not possible, you would have to be over 130 years old.

Nick, get to your point.  Right, I am...just needed to establish a little background to support my rant.  So here is my rant and before I do that, here is my disclaimer "This rant is not directed at ALL African Americans, just the thug, low life ones who are ruining it for the rest." we go:  You say you want equality, you say that people are still racist and that you receive unfair treatment by the public, by the police, by have groups like the NAACP, people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Quanell X who fight for your "equal rights"...yet do you realize you have more than equal rights?  And you abuse it??

Fighting for equal rights does not mean the following:
1.  Guaranteeing preferential treatment at schools and jobs, over White, Hispanic, Asian, Arab people. - Other races understand that you have to work hard in life to get what you want, yet many African Americans expect a hand-out or special treatment for college acceptance or job employment.  Is it fair that Colleges and employers, who are suppose to take the best students or best applicants for the job...are forced by laws to make exceptions and hire a certain # of African Americans? I understand that they do the same for Hispanics, Asians, etc...the difference is, other races don't stand up and throw a fit and demand that they get in or get a job.  They understand that they have to be the best candidate and work hard through school or through an interview.  So equality = take the best candidate, Inequality = favoring someone for the color of their skin.

2.  Is it fair that it is MUCH harder to terminate employment for an African American, than it is any other race.  Wanna know why? Cause when you do get terminated, you can't accept the fact that its because you didnt do a good job or never showed up to assume its because your employer is racist and you threaten a lawsuit and cause a huge stir.  Hence, employers have to be extra careful when dealing with a bad employee who is black.  Equality = An employer being able to terminate ANY employee who is not doing a good job.  Inequality = Forcing employers to have to keep an employee in fear of lawsuits and negative media attention.

3.  My personal favorite:  Throwing around the damn term "hate crime" let me get this straight, A hispanic guy gets in an altercation and shoots a thug, its driven by racism and is a hate crime, but when 5 thugs beat the shit out of a white guy, strip him of his clothes, video tape it and laugh about it...its not considered a hate crime.  The ONLY time a hate crime exists, is when an African American is killed or assaulted by someone of  a different race.  Its totallly ok for blacks to kill blacks, which they do everyday...but if a hispanic, white or any other race kills a black person...the NAACP, Jesse Jackson and Comp are quick to go to that town, protest and claim that it was racially motivated.  Really???  Equality = A crime is a crime, in which the guilty party should be convicted based on evidence.  Inequality = Forcing media attention, police and the public to believe that a crime was racially motivated, just because...a black person was the victim, hence altering the chances of a fair trial by jury.

Did you guys know, that the same week that all this news coverage broke out about Trayvon Martin being shot because he was Arab woman in California was beaten to death in her home and a note left behind that said something like "you don't belong here, go back to your homeland."  That my friends is a true hate crime, because the note was left behind.

I am not saying that all crimes committed against blacks are not hate crimes, but usually when it is very clear in the evidence, such as the punk ass kids in Miss. that beat a black man and then ran him over in a truck...there was evidence and witness who stated it was racially driven.  Thats the difference.

I just read about a story in Tenn, young white couple got car-jacked by 5 thugs...they kidnap them, torture them, rape them and then kill them.  Hate crime? - Nope  National media attention - Nope.  Why, cause they are not black...that simple.  Could you imagine if 5 white people, kidnapped a young black couple and did that to them??? You would have Riots all over the place.

So here is my deal...guys like Quanell X and Al Sharpton and NAACP demand respect and equal rights for all African Americans, yet...nothing about it is equal.  Instead of finding ways to change the culture and childhood of so many African Americans, they spend their time and energy creating Inequality in our society and let me tell you what is starting to happen...the non-black citizens of this country, are getting sick of it.  No other race, plays a race card...hardly ever.  Instead of finding ways to earn respect, they are losing it faster than ever before and its my fear that racism is on the rise again because of these stupid laws, because of people like Quanell X and groups like the NAACP.

Sorry to be blunt, but none of the thugs out there today were slaves...none.  Not even their parents or grandparents...they have no connection to the days of slavery, so enough with demanding special treatment.  If you want respect, earn it.  Stop killing each other, stop killing everyone else, stay in school, get a job...when you get a job, work hard and treat each other with respect as well.  Calling each other the N word, walking around with your pants below your ass and expecting shit for free from the Govt is not a way to gain respect.

For the non-thug African Americans...who work hard, raise their children as equals and don't seek special treatment...I have the up most respect, just like I would anyone else who raises their children the same way and work hard for what they have.  I would be so embarrassed and ashamed of how the thugs are acting and representing your race.  I would be ashamed of the NAACP and Al Sharpton, their focus is completely wrong...and while I get that they first started in order to help those who "truly" suffered from a racist attack...they have lost complete control.

Just ask yourself this:

1.  When was the last time you heard about an Asian getting killed in America? Was it ever considered a hate crime? Were their Asian leaders and protesting going on?

2.  When was the last time you heard about an Arab getting killed in America? Did it receive a lot of media attention? Is there a NAACP for Arabs?

3.  What about Hispanics? They are known to have some pretty bad gangs and thugs...they kill each other all the time as well, do you hear about them? Who are their leaders? How often do they claim a hate crime?

So come on...enough is a enough.  You cry for equality, but demand and expect inequality.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ignorance of some sports fans

I have got to write this today, mainly because I need to vent a little bit and because of comments I have heard from a few people recently and in the past.

There are 2 types of sports fans:

1.  The ones who have played sports in the past, understand competition, understand how hard it is to lose, understand the rules of the game and because of their past experiences in sports...they may not like another team or another teams player, but they respect their game.

2.  The ignorant sports fans.  You know, the ones who say shit like "OMG, I could have made that play" and actually believe they could have made that play.  Or they make comments like "Tom Brady sucks" or "Aaron Rodgers sucks" or "Drew Brees sucks" or any other legit superstar...maybe a Lebron James? I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say he sucks.  Really?

There are only a few explanations:

1. Jealousy. - I think its well known that if someone disrespects someone else that they don't even know, they are probably jealous of them.  Jealous of what they have, what they do, who they are, etc, etc.

2. Complete and total ignorance. - Saying something like "Lebron James or Tom Brady sucks" just goes to show how stupid you really are or how much you do not understand sports.  I loath, loath, loath Ohio State University...but I have told OSU fans to their face "As much as I don't like Troy Smith, that kid can ball."

Its called common sense...because really, lets break this down:

NO professional athlete really sucks, do they? To make it to the pro level in any pretty much impossible.  Lets look at some status for football:

- According to the NCAA, there are 1,108,441 high school kids in America playing football.
        - Out of that #, .08% make it to the NFL...that is less than 1%...that comes out to 8,867 of
        - Now think for a minute of how many of those 8,867 players drop out, get cut or end up just being a
          role player for their team.
        - Also, out of the 1,108,441...only 6.1% get a chance at playing NCAA sports.

- To be considered a consistent or above average player (say a Matt Schaub) is defying the odds.
- To be considered one of the greatest to ever play the game? Say a Brady, Manning, Lebron, MJ, etc...OMG, the odds must be...I dunno...maybe .000001% ?? I mean, truly impossible.

Think about it, seriously...THINK ABOUT IT!!! If you played high school know how demanding and competitive it can be.  You are working out and training 5 days a week, sometimes twice a day.  The peer pressure is high, the practices are hard, you are vomiting after a hard work out, the coaches are screaming at you, your parents or grandparents have high expectations for you, you are being tempted with supplements that could give you an additional boost, you are trying to find time to practice and maybe even work on the weekends...for some, getting a full ride or a shot at the pro's is all they have going for them and their family...with out that shot, these kids could end up on the streets, using drugs, getting in trouble, etc.

So all this pressure at the high school level...AND don't forget, these are just kids we are talking about...14-18 years old! So remember the stat I flashed earlier...out of all these kids who are working their ass off to make something out of themselves, 6.1% make it to the college level.  Now your works out intensify, the pressure is even more intense.  You are the lucky 6.1% to make it to the next level...but it only gets harder and harder and harder, out of the 6.1% of college football players, only 1.7% make to the NFL.  To give you a real #, out of the approximate 15,000 SENIOR football players...255 will get drafted.

My point, making it to the pro level in football is extremely difficult, to be considered an elite NFL players...almost impossible.  The #'s don't lie.

So...if you want to hate a player or hate a team, go ahead...we all have our rivals and teams we despise.  BUT if you choose to be THAT ignorant fan...before you go making ignorant and stupid comments about how bad they suck or how you could have done it better or you question their decision making...remember this, you can make those comments because you really have no idea and no appreciation for what it takes to be in that athletes shoes.  You will never understand how hard they work and what odds they have defied to be in the position they are in.

And worst of have no idea how stupid and ignorant you sound to the people around you.  So when you say 5,235 yards passing, 39 TDs to 12 Ints, 66% completions and 105.6 QB rating "Sucks"...just simply remember a few things:

1.  You could never do it.
2.  That player that "sucks"...could care less about your comments.  They live in a world defied by odds and at one point in their young life, were probably told they can't do it or they "sucked" and it didnt phase them then and it would not phase them now.  So save your breath.
3.  Don't forget that this very tiny % of athletes give back to the community, almost all of them you? No, you don't.  
4.  Learn to differentiate between hating and disrespecting.  Hate them all you want and for whatever reasons you want...but respect their accomplishments, because by don't make them go away.

Again, for those reading this who played and appreciate sports...this article probably sounds like common sense to you.  Its all about that key word called "Understanding"...isn't that what ignorance is anyways? A lack of understanding?

Hate all you want, it is expected.  But I am starting to learn, understand and appreciate sports more now...than I did when I was younger and its dawned on me that, even the back up kicker or punter or 5th string WR or 3rd string QB...that player, has worked harder and is more gifted than I ever was or that most fans ever were...for that reason, they don't suck.

For those who make it to the elite level...I truly thank you for giving back to your communities and inspiring our youth.  Without you, without our elite players in any sport...our kids would not have role models, sports history would not be as exciting, sports simply would not be what they are today and its the following of elite players who give the media and public something to talk about.

America without sports?  Unreal...America is a sports nation...respect the sports, respect the players and respect the history.  Because no matter how many times in your life you say Tom Brady sucks, his legacy will live on for decades and decades to come...just like Babe Ruth, Jim Brown, Wilt, etc...your legacy? Yea, not so much.  So might as well live your life without saying ignorant shit and "respect" what you are witnessing and if that does not make sense to you and you choose to just say they all suck...well, just keep in mind...everyone around you thinks you are a dumbass.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Guy Code - Rules to live by as a man

This was fun to write about and it was fun to discuss with some other I cannot take credit for all the codes below, besides this way its more accurate and commonly thought opposed to one man's opinion.

Guys have to be guys and the worst thing a guy can do, is let a girl take away his man card.  Its too bad women don't have "women cards"...can you imagine a society in which a conversation like this takes place:

Woman - I am going to go meet some girlfriends to go scrap-booking.
Man - NO! 
Woman - Why not?
Man - Because, umm...I need you here, you have to be with me at every moment.  We have so much to do!
Woman - We have nothing planned for the day, what are you talking about?
Man - I mean, fine...go then, have fun with your friends and ignore me and your children.
Woman - Its once a month, for 3 hours!!! 
Man - Suddenly, I am not feeling so good...I think I am going to be sick.
Woman - Damn! Ok fine, I will stay.  Let me call my friends and tell them I can't see them once a month because my bf is needy and controlling.  Are you happy now??

In the real world, this would never happen...for 2 reasons:

1. A woman would just tell you to go F yourself and walk out.
2.  No man would ever, ever, ever tell her gf or wife not to spend time with her friends...especially when it comes to her hobbies.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case with men and we ALLOW ourselves to be guilted into abandoning our guy friends.  Sure, the guy friends may think your girl is a bitch...but they are not mad at her, they are mad at you for not being a man.

For the women who appreciate a man's relationship with his guy friends...we salute you and we love you and we will always get the 2 thumbs from his guy friends!!!

On to the rules:

1.  When at the movie theater with another man, you must have one empty seat between both men.

2.  Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella unless your brother is actually gay.

3.  A man shall never apologize or explain why never called another man back.

4. No man shall ever sit on another man's matter what the situation calls for.

5.  A man must be able to open a bottle or lid at all times.

6.  A hug between men must always start with a handshake and can at no point become a two-arm hug.

7.  In an empty bathroom, no man shall EVER stand and pee next to another man...there must be one urinal in between.  Absolute rule! 

8.  If a guy "pokes" you on Facebook, punch them next time you see them.  Unacceptable.

9.  Only women dye their hair.  

10. A man doesn't say what happened at the bachelor party. EVER.

11. A man becomes a wing-man, when required. 

12. A man does not cock block his friend.

13. A man never, ever sleeps with his friends Ex.  Unless they became friends after its already happened, in which case you have become Eskimo Brothers...congratulations.  

14. A man never lets a woman, dictate who his friends are when they can hangout.  GOLDEN RULE!

15. Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and the ability to pick a Buffalo wing clean.  Just sayin.

16. No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man.

17. A man shall never help another man apply sun tan oil. 

18. If your friend says "Lick my nuts" as a way to put you down, don't try to be funny by saying "OK" and moving your head towards his crotch, two homosexual references in a row are just plain scary and unacceptable.

19. Just because you got married or have a girlfriend, does not mean you can only have one friend, your wife or gf.  

20. Your man card is automatically taken from you if you choose to do an event that your gf wants you to do with her, instead of watching a big sporting event with your guy friends.

21. Any time a guy friend tell you that you are P-whipped, you are…guy friends know best and tell it how it is. 

22. Most women want a man, not another woman…so shaving your whole body to be completely smooth, unless you are a pro swimmner…not cool.

23. When a man can cry:
  1. Death of a friend, relative or dog.  Not cats, cause cats are stupid.
  2. At the end of Old Yeller
  3. When your team wins the Super Bowl, World Cup or any other massive sporting event.
  4. Birth of your own child.
  5. Any sports related movie based on a true story ie Remember the Titans.
  6. You win a million dollars
24.  Men don't really cry, we shed Man tears.  

25.  If caught tearing up, in a reason not mentioned under code 23...act as if you are yawning and blame the yawn.

26. Guys – Know when you are in the “friend zone”…if you meet a girl and she talks about other guys…you are in the friend zone.  If you meet a girl and she does not flirt with you or send you naughty pics or texts after 2 weeks, you are in the friend zone and if you meet a girl and she is constantly fishing for compliments, she is not interested in you, but interested in your superficial support of her own insecurities…don’t fall for it, friend.

27. Guys, look down…can’t see your junk, time to hit the gym and get on a diet.   

28. For god sake, NEVER spray cologne in the air and then walk into it.

29. Fighting is not what it use to be, so before you decide to get in the face of a guy at a bar who looked at your gf…think this to yourself…its not about “can I take a punch”…but can I take a bullet or knife, most likely…no.  Your life is more important than trying to impress your boys or a girl, besides…most girls, don’t dig fighting…unless you are in middle school.  

30. Be a man, not a bitch…asking your gf every 5 minutes if she is ok and if you can do anything for her and apologizing for everything you say, does not make you a nice guy…it makes you a little bitch who she will have no respect for.  

So there you have it, I am sure I am missing a few or will come up with some later...if you have any good ones, post them and let me know.  

Go Texans!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Keeping it real: Happy New Year

Keeping it real: Happy New Year: Well, for me its the first official work day of the 2012 year. I just spent the last week in Disneyworld with my parents, my kids and my gi...

Happy New Year

Well, for me its the first official work day of the 2012 year.  I just spent the last week in Disneyworld with my parents, my kids and my girlfriend.  It was a truly hectic, but memorable experience...Disneyworld this time of year is absolute insanity, only second to New York for New Years Eve.  My advice for any parents out there...take your kids out of school for a few days and go during the week...maybe after Thanksgiving, that way you get the best of both worlds, seeing Disney lit up for Christmas and still being able to do all the rides and attractions.

So its time to set New Year know, that list that you make EVERY January that keeps you excited for 2 weeks and then slowly, but surely becomes an insignificant piece of paper found at the bottom of your trash can or I guess in today's world...maybe its on your smartphone or Ipad, but in a folder or location you easily forget about.  So, did I create a few NY resolutions? You bet I did...but this year I am changing my approach and my goals are much more broad and less specific.  Example: I want to be healthier by this time next year.  In the past I would say "I want to bench 250, weigh 180, do 25 pull ups, run 5 miles" get my drift and what it ended up being was overwhelming and almost impossible to accomplish, especially with young kids and a job and coaching...I put too much pressure on myself and would eventually give up.  So this year, its healthier: Eat better, run when I can and work out when I can. If I can do those things...the results I want in my body and health will follow.  So I start you off this year with a few good tips that I have thought of myself and some that I have gathered from other sources, that can help you become a better, healthier and happier person:

1.  Get on a sleep cycle.  Prob the most over looked power tool our body gives us, is our ability to sleep.  Despite all that you have going on in life, try your best to get on a good sleep schedule...its priceless.

2.  For guys: Wanna do the bare minimum workout with out weights, without a gym and without having to wear shoes?? Take 10 minutes out of your day to do some push ups, sit ups and pulls ups.  Its easy, its quick and its a great way to boost your metabolism.  Do it!

3.  GO TO THE DOCTOR!!  I can not stress this one enough, if you have not done it in the past 3 years...go get a physical.  I just had one done and a cardiac stress test and the piece of mind I have going into the new year is amazing.  Do it!

4.  Wanna lose weight and do it quick? Easy...stop drinking sodas, drinking beer, eating candy and eating desserts for one month.  Im not saying you will suddenly have a six pack (that takes working out and cardio) but if you just want to drop some weight, quit eating and drinking this crap.

5.  For guys (and maybe girls)...for god sake, quit looking at porn.  Its like going to a strip club...all you end up doing is having sex with yourself, AFTER you spend lots of money.  Yes, I am aware there are free porn sites...but consider this:  Looking at porn on your computer is the worst way to pick up viruses, looking at porn consistently has proven to cause issues in your "real life" sex life (unrealistic expectations in every way).

6.  Look around you and be happy for what you have.  Don't take your car for granted, the food in your fridge, the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your back, the friends you have, your parents, your kids, your job, your pets...the truth is, there are people out there who are truly suffering and they are suffering alone and without any help.  So as hard as it can be, when you have a bad day or something does not go your way...try and remember everything you have and appreciate it, find the good in the bad and move on.  Learn from your mistakes and move on.

7.  Find a hobby.  Whether its working out, scrap booking, picture taking, cooking classes, whatever it is...I assure you its better than sitting in front of a TV with a bag of chips or a bowl of ice cream.  Plus its fun!

8.  For women:  If you are married or in a relationship with a guy, please try to understand what his passions are and once you figure that out, allow him to spend time with that passion.  Want a bonus? Get involved with his passion...he will love you forever and be a very happy happy man.  Men are simple and my example is this:  We love you, we love our kids and we love...lets say football.  Monday - Saturday, we work and when we get home, we spend time with you.  We also look forward to watching a 3 hour football game on Sunday, with our jersey on and with a cold drink in our hand.  Please do NOT guilt your boyfriend or husband, unless you really want them to resent suggestion, get involved...throw a party for couples to come over to watch the game.  The guys can watch, the girls can mingle.  Or...sit down next to him and watch part of the game, ask questions that make us feel smart "what does pass interference mean?"...we might laugh, but we think its cute that you are trying to learn and it will make us smile.  Look, you have two options...1, you let your man watch the game and be happy for the whole day.  2, you guilt your man into missing the game...only to have him follow every minute of it on his phone...either way, you are not getting the attention you guilted in to and everyone is then in a bad mood.  Got it?  Good! Go Texans this weekend!

Ok, enough for today...I hope everyone has a wonderful and happy 2012!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Future blogs...

In talking with a few friends, I have come up with a few items I will write about upon my return next week:

1.  Ladies, how long do you wait to give it up?
2.  Being the nice guy vs being the good guy
3.  What makes men happy? What makes us mad?
4.  Gifts to buy your man for Bday or Christmas
5.  Guys at Valentine's Day
6.  Why guys take advantage of girls for se$ only
7.  Why do women settle?

First blog entry

Well...I don't have much time today, but I wanted to put out my first blog.  Tomorrow I am heading out to Disneyworld with my parents, my girlfriend Kelli and my 3 kids.  We are staying through New Year's it should be pretty badass.  Most of my blogging, will be done during the day, but not every day...I will share with you stories about my life, give advice on dating and relationships from a guy's standpoint and will always KEEP IT REAL, because nothing pisses me off more than reading or hearing BS crap when it comes to life and relationships.  We live in a very "sugar coated" society...where everyone only wants to hear what makes them happy and in a society in which kids are raised thinking they are ALL winners, which simply just isn't the case...our youth has to understand that losing is part of life and it is important to learn how to accept defeat, learn from it and bounce back, not just be fed compliments, trophies, etc with a damn spoon...that won't teach them how to deal with the real world.

Anyways, I hope that a few of my friends follow this and maybe even people I don't know.  Feel free to ask me questions or send me an email.